The second part was a totally different proposal. The organ is one of the most complex instruments that exists, due to its technique, its difficulty and its mechanism. 3772 tubes are what make up the enormous and impressive instrument of the Palau de la Música, which Joan Seguí played in a masterful way.
The piece that he presented, Fantasie und Fuge über denn "Ad nos, ad salutarem undam", S. 259 by Franz Liszt, is one of the most famous and performed for organ. The first section, with the freedom of a fantasy, was a demonstration of the control and taste of the musician, followed by a serious central Adagio where the instrument and performer made the room resonate and managed to leave the audience quite speechless. The great final flight, of fast tempo and decisive character, was the necessary exhibition to finish verifying the virtuosic possibilities of the instrument (in case someone still had the doubt).
A night altered by the bustle of a controversial anniversary that the walls and music of the Palau mitigated. And a cycle that promises to be, once again, a benchmark of young talent in the country.